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Normalcy bias
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental
state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to
underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and
its possible effects. This often results in situations where
people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a
larger scale, the failure of the government to include the
populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is
made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster
never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in
the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs.
People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to
something they have not experienced before. People also tend
to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible,
seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
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To be Promethean is a life long process
Define truth Create yourself
and never die..
and you'll always be in my heart little one.

This Life; This Is Your Life,
.... And The Hour is Late


(Advanced Graphical Representation of 99.9 of The Masses Level of Interest When I Tell Them That if They Buy Silver, Food, and Other Supplies VERY SOON, They Just Maybe Will Survive The Inevitable Collapse of The Dollar, Riots, Massive Food Shortages, and Countless Unforeseeable Mass Tragedies That They Have Been Too Busy Watching American Idol With a Gas Pump Lodged Up Their Ass To Save This Country's Freedom; Freedom People Once Fought and Died To Protect. PS Don't Tell Me I Didn't Warn You. If You Ask For Food I'll Give You a Bullet in Your Head... SPEAK OUT SPREAD THE WORD and if this page has benefited you, Please Donate. Lastly remember... prepare now ---> stand a fighting chance to survive ---> 2-4 years things will get better...i promise

FireLion LoneWolf

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albany/queens, NEW YORK, United States
{Picture taken on bus, of a crow rescued and released 6 days after} ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ bare skinless paws they traveled far dreaming of a pleasant closure willing ready to die rocks liquifying blowing away dry ash shattered claw and fang marks eroding on his own Sisyphus boulder would be the only remainder of a life spent dying to live the universe is wise its students will only see flaming hot paw prints as Phoenix rose forever thankful his soul penetrating glance his wisdom cross referencing foresight this ones life death not guaranteed and a Herculean purpose as Phoenix traveled up passing Hells' exit entering Hells' entrance This Hell Too Belongs To Him He Brings With Him Influence and Metamorphosis

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Police Accepted $4.6 Million from JP Morgan Chase... Cop dances happily thinking hes gonna see some of that money... unlikely

NYPD Corrupt? Police Accepted $4.6 Million from JP Morgan Chase

October 03, 2011 02:25 PM EDT

News recently emerged that JP Morgan Chase donated $4.6 million to the New York Police Department. This explains the NYPD's behavior quite a lot when you look at it in terms of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the mass arrests of peaceful protestors. One of the large businesses the activists are protesting against is none other than JP Morgan Chase.

While officers with the NYPD are strictly forbidden from accepting donuts from the peaceful protesters, the department gleefully and gratefully accepted millions of dollars from the large financial institution. And people were wondering why the police were being complete jerks to those who represent the 99 percent of Americans who are struggling to make a life every day. Of course! The banksters paid 'em off! Is it really surprising, though? The best way for oligarchs to keep their serfs in line is to pay off and bribe those folks charged with "upholding" the law.

The problem with these arrests is that, by and large, they are being peaceful about it. And according to attorneys familiar with the law, Occupy Wall Street is perfectly legal. In fact, U.S. citizens have every right to protest, to gather in large groups to show their displeasure, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. Now, some might say that those who were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge were infringing on motorists' rights to drive on the bridge. But folks who were there say that the police actually led them out onto the bridge, where they couldn't leave. Once there, the police had them trapped, and they were arrested, one by one. Some were even abused for the non-crime of filming officers in the line of duty. In fact, there is video of the police leading the crowd onto the bridge, where they were subsequently arrested.

The revolution has started against banksters and big business. Former military members are joining the movement, giving it more credibility. People are finally sitting up and taking notice. Why? Because they're fed up with being fed a bunch of lies. And yet, the financiers don't get it. While people were marching last week, the rich on Wall Street watched from the balconies, sipping champagne and laughing at the peons.

Image: Occupy Wall Street

©2011 Reno Berkeley for Gather News.

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