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To be Promethean is a life long process
Define truth Create yourself
and never die..
and you'll always be in my heart little one.
This Life; This Is Your Life,
.... And The Hour is Late

(Advanced Graphical Representation of 99.9 of The Masses Level of Interest When I Tell Them That if They Buy Silver, Food, and Other Supplies VERY SOON, They Just Maybe Will Survive The Inevitable Collapse of The Dollar, Riots, Massive Food Shortages, and Countless Unforeseeable Mass Tragedies That They Have Been Too Busy Watching American Idol With a Gas Pump Lodged Up Their Ass To Save This Country's Freedom; Freedom People Once Fought and Died To Protect. PS Don't Tell Me I Didn't Warn You. If You Ask For Food I'll Give You a Bullet in Your Head... SPEAK OUT SPREAD THE WORD and if this page has benefited you, Please Donate. Lastly remember... prepare now ---> stand a fighting chance to survive ---> 2-4 years things will get better...i promise

FireLion LoneWolf

- IAmPhoenix
- albany/queens, NEW YORK, United States
- {Picture taken on bus, of a crow rescued and released 6 days after} ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ bare skinless paws they traveled far dreaming of a pleasant closure willing ready to die rocks liquifying blowing away dry ash shattered claw and fang marks eroding on his own Sisyphus boulder would be the only remainder of a life spent dying to live the universe is wise its students will only see flaming hot paw prints as Phoenix rose forever thankful his soul penetrating glance his wisdom cross referencing foresight this ones life death not guaranteed and a Herculean purpose as Phoenix traveled up passing Hells' exit entering Hells' entrance This Hell Too Belongs To Him He Brings With Him Influence and Metamorphosis
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The People United, Will Never Be Defeated
Thank You For The Trading 'Level Up' TSI Trader,

Silver For The People - The Blog
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Peter Schiff on CNBC 12/07/11
Will the Europeans announce their own version of quantitative easing? Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital president, discusses what the EU needs to do to get it's financial house in order.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
111207 - You Might Be A Terrorist Suspect If...
This Hyper Report is sponsored with physical silver by
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Source Links for Today's Items:
Eurozone To Avoid Any Popular Vote In Treaty Change
The Worst In The World -- The U.S. Balance Of Trade Is Mind-Blowingly Bad
Bank Runs?
Jim Rogers: US Falling Into 'Deeper Trouble,' Faces 2013 Depression
Having Over 7 Days of Food Makes You a Terrorist Suspect..
Mystery Company Buying Up U.S. Gun Manufacturers
Five Things You Can do Right now to Help Stop the Economic Plundering of Our World
18 Crazy Facts Which Show That No Nation On Earth Is More Doped Up On Prescription Drugs Than America Is
The content contained in the Hyper Report is provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and before making any investing decisions. All stories are sourced and assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information.
This video is protected by the Fair use Act-Title 17 Chapter 1, Article 107 pertaining to the use of copyrighted works to illustrate an opinion, or for educational purposes...
Thank you.
News & Politics
Hyperinflation SGR Gold Silver Oil Dollar Economic Collapse Terrorist Suspect Freedom Group Gun Manufacturers Lisbon Treaty Americans doped Up Jim Rogers 2013 Depression Bank Runs Trade Deficit
Silver Update 12/06/11 Contango/Backwardation
Silver Update 12/06/11 Contango/Backwardation
James Turk: Expect A Violent Move Higher In Precious Metals, Especially Silver (SLV, GLD, PSLV, AGQ, ZSL)
Normal backwardation
Silver Jason Hommel BIS JP Morgan Conspiracy zerohedge Max Keiser Short Squeeze goldman sachs inflation hyperinflation harvey organ pensions default gata bill murphy gold end the fed ron paul bullion alex jones wikileaks rockefeller Rothschild qe manipulation roota bix weir bernanke bob chapman jim willie patriot forex rumor godlike wallstreet bubble apmex tulving ted butler cftc sec hedge funds position limits bart chilton gary gensler ows
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
by SGT: **RED ALERT**: Ann Barnhardt Says “GET THE HELL OUT. GET OUT OF ALL PAPER.” Share
I just finished listening to the most gripping, honest and frightening interview that I’ve heard in years. With credit to James Puplava at, I’ll share some of it with you here.
It was with this shockingly candid letter to her clients and colleagues “The Entire System Has Been Utterly Destroyed By The MF Global Collapse” that Ann Barnhardt closed down her commodity brokerage firm Barnhardt Capital Management two weeks ago. Citing what she calls the “unprecedented, unfathomable and completely and totally intolerable actions of the CFTC, SEC and the CME following the MF Global collapse”, Barnhardt now lays it all out for those with the ears to hear.
If Pastor Lindsey William’s many warnings about the dangers of holding paper assets hasn’t convinced you of the risks, this probably will. Barnhardt pulls no punches referring to Jon Corzine as “one of these criminal Oligarchs”. In this lucid, articulate and dramatic rant, Ann Barnhardt carefully outlines the now absolutley dire state of affairs in the United States:
“You have to understand, people like Jon Corzine, these are evil, evil people. You have to stop thinking that these people are just misguided, or there’s some sort of difference of opinion on economic theory. These people are nefariously trying to destroy everything in this country. It’s called the Cloward-Piven strategy. Go in and destory and collapse the entire economy, everything. And then re-build a new Marxist Socialist Fascist State out of the burning rubble of this destruction. This is not a function of incompetence. It’s a function of malice of forethought and conscientious theft and destruction.”
At 25 minutes into this exceptional interview, acting as an honorable Watchman at the Tower warning her fellow Americans, Barnhardt warns:
“Get the hell out. Get out of all paper… This is going to cascade through everything. It’s going to get into the equities, it’s going to get into 401K’s and IRA’s, it’s going to get into pension plans. Total systematic collapse. Get out. I don’t know how I can be any more plain about this.”
Bruce Fein Constitutional Scholar ∞ American Empire (1/2) Tyranny Ron Paul
All of your Rights are almost Gone. Do you Care ? Martial Law Bill Passes Congress Allows Military to Arrest, Permanently Detain, Torture, Kill American Citizens without Trial. The National Defense Authorization Act. America is a War Zone. Senate Rejects Amendment to 'Indefinite Detention' Bill Alex Jones InfoWars We need Ron Paul Delegates gingrich cain romney Ron Paul Freedom to Fascism .Know who runs the World the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created & it's Counterfeiting Notes "the Dollar" is illegal & Unconstitutional. Only Gold & Silver can be money & paper money MUST be back by Gold or Silver like it used it be before 1913 when they took control of this country and took us off the gold & silver standard & devalued the dollar by 98% by printing money & creating INFLATION. They get your income tax money & it's says on the application (means to beg) Voluntary Compliance. I am part of the 99% & have 1 Demand END THE FED & I have a leader who is running for president Ron Paul. Occupy Global Livestream Real News Occupy & End the Fed Zero interest rate for the people not the banks. The people's own gold & silver non profit money & bank system. Join Ron Paul & the INFO WAR alex Jones & Occupy the World before you are starving to death or martial law is declared Check out the World Freeman Society Become a Freeman on the Land & know the Deceptions of the Law. Statues & Acts are not law & need your consent (like stating your name or showing ID) Don't enter the Law Society. Investigate robert menard johnny liberty mary croft john harris haley bazley robert christy froid psychology huxley philosophy think free birth certificate citizen claim of right constitution tax application legalese sovereign illegal lawful strawman statues acts blacks law dictionary tpuc lawyer society unalienable rights commerce maritime admiralty common ucc uniform commercial code contract consent civil corruption central bank property employee franchisee karma reincarnation enlightenment united states passport legal fiction register court judge property imf wto foreclosure social security medicaid medicare debt consent blacks law society sovereignty osama bin laden death al qaeda terrorist haarp chemtrails fema coast to coast am gas oil price middle east 2012 conspiracy terror food crisis gold silver revolution inflation ron paul obama zeitgeist disaster riots protests jobs alex jones retaliation prison planet info wars nature corporation wikileaks climate change police state meditation constitutional jesus christ ufo's aliens tea party rand paul jesse ventura david icke gerald celente max keiser mayan spirituality free tibet china tyranny terrorism consciousness world war 3 buddhism tao zen god truth justice knowledge wise slavery history freedom fluoride peace love history terrorism fluoridation science government occupation information deception paradigm matrix law america recession inflation economy stock market bush depression nwo space ipad mac mind control mars moon earth mother martix brain mind drugs pot psychedelic iphone hinduism meditation egypt libya jews israel mayan new york 911 lies conspiracy theory sovereign state imf wto rockefeller bilderberg act register world bank apply free federal reserve conspiracy theory slavery islamic yemen pakistan afghanistan syria saudi arabia persians sunni shiite yemen muslim brotherhood islam iran iraq israel ground zero pentagon 9/11 common maritime admiralty law monsanto seeds farms fda fbi cia homeland security crops cops 2011 fda health rock sovereignty universe planet star illusion paradigm cars homes religion budda martial arts national obama budget profit deficit bankruptcy court police bob chapman project camelot avalon graham hancock peter shiff gerald celente sovereignty charlie sheen earthquake tsunami nuclear japan radiation shutdown evacuation meltdown precession of the equinox universe planet x space earth mars venus nibiru comet wormwood leonid elenin brown dwarf star nemesis binary solar system galaxy eris volcano tail coma sumerian hopi indians prophecy pole shift magnetic field solar flares sun revelation apocalypse rapture bible code christian blue red kachina tail coma tyche sumerian pakistan fukushima default debt stock market crash peter schiff max keiser rt oath keepers tsarion Occupy Wall Street End the Fed alan watts truth movement we are the 99% we are change ows fast and furious cia fbi nato anonymous marine soldier vs nypd cops sergeant thomas occupy marines a new alliance Tear Gas OWS occupy together zuccotti park TSA
Gerald Celente: 'IT'S FASCIST. CAN'T YOU SEE IT?" - Part ONE
Here's Part ONE of my in-depth interview with Gerald Celente. We talk about the Fascism of MF Global, Goldman Sachs, and "government" in general. Celente says he's taking the rest of his money off-shore.
Celent's Trends Journal:
The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
News & Politics
Gerald Celente Andy Hoffman Lindsey Williams James Turk Bix Weir Mike Maloney Bob Chapman silver mania plummets manipulation fat finger Liberty Dollars tungsten gold GATA jim rickards TSA DHS Tim Geithner debt ceiling normalcy bias Harvey Organ Eric King Sprott Jim Willie HSBC Comex default Bart Chilton CFTC NEWS Web Bots Cliff High George Ure SILVER GOLD precious fiat dollar ted butler harvey organ celente web bots Adrian Douglas Alex Jones meltdown Ron Paul NWO bankers JP Morgan Silver Gold
Here's Part TWO of my in-depth interview with Gerald Celente. We talk about the Fascism of MF Global, Goldman Sachs, and "government" in general. Celente says he's taking the rest of his money off-shore.
Celent's Trends Journal:
The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
Nonprofits & Activism
Gerald Celente Andy Hoffman Lindsey Williams James Turk Bix Weir Mike Maloney Bob Chapman silver mania manipulation Liberty Dollars tungsten gold GATA jim rickards TSA DHS Tim Geithner debt ceiling normalcy bias Harvey Organ Eric King Sprott Jim Willie HSBC Comex default Bart Chilton CFTC NEWS Web Bots Cliff High George Ure SILVER GOLD precious fiat dollar ted butler harvey organ celente web bots Adrian Douglas Alex Jones meltdown Ron Paul NWO bankers JP Morgan Silver Gold Beck
Senate Declares War on Humanity ∞ Coast to Coast (3/3) Tell Everyone Ron...
All of your Rights are almost Gone. Do you Care ? Martial Law Bill Passes Congress Allows Military to Arrest, Permanently Detain, Torture, Kill American Citizens without Trial. The National Defense Authorization Act. America is a War Zone. Senate Rejects Amendment to 'Indefinite Detention' Bill Alex Jones InfoWars We need Ron Paul Delegates gingrich cain romney Ron Paul Freedom to Fascism .Know who runs the World the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created & it's Counterfeiting Notes "the Dollar" is illegal & Unconstitutional. Only Gold & Silver can be money & paper money MUST be back by Gold or Silver like it used it be before 1913 when they took control of this country and took us off the gold & silver standard & devalued the dollar by 98% by printing money & creating INFLATION. They get your income tax money & it's says on the application (means to beg) Voluntary Compliance. I am part of the 99% & have 1 Demand END THE FED & I have a leader who is running for president Ron Paul. Occupy Global Livestream Real News Occupy & End the Fed Zero interest rate for the people not the banks. The people's own gold & silver non profit money & bank system. Join Ron Paul & the INFO WAR alex Jones & Occupy the World before you are starving to death or martial law is declared Check out the World Freeman Society Become a Freeman on the Land & know the Deceptions of the Law. Statues & Acts are not law & need your consent (like stating your name or showing ID) Don't enter the Law Society. Investigate robert menard johnny liberty mary croft john harris haley bazley robert christy froid psychology huxley philosophy think free birth certificate citizen claim of right constitution tax application legalese sovereign illegal lawful strawman statues acts blacks law dictionary tpuc lawyer society unalienable rights commerce maritime admiralty common ucc uniform commercial code contract consent civil corruption central bank property employee franchisee karma reincarnation enlightenment united states passport legal fiction register court judge property imf wto foreclosure social security medicaid medicare debt consent blacks law society sovereignty osama bin laden death al qaeda terrorist haarp chemtrails fema coast to coast am gas oil price middle east 2012 conspiracy terror food crisis gold silver revolution inflation ron paul obama zeitgeist disaster riots protests jobs alex jones retaliation prison planet info wars nature corporation wikileaks climate change police state meditation constitutional jesus christ ufo's aliens tea party rand paul jesse ventura david icke gerald celente max keiser mayan spirituality free tibet china tyranny terrorism consciousness world war 3 buddhism tao zen god truth justice knowledge wise slavery history freedom fluoride peace love history terrorism fluoridation science government occupation information deception paradigm matrix law america recession inflation economy stock market bush depression nwo space ipad mac mind control mars moon earth mother martix brain mind drugs pot psychedelic iphone hinduism meditation egypt libya jews israel mayan new york 911 lies conspiracy theory sovereign state imf wto rockefeller bilderberg act register world bank apply free federal reserve conspiracy theory slavery islamic yemen pakistan afghanistan syria saudi arabia persians sunni shiite yemen muslim brotherhood islam iran iraq israel ground zero pentagon 9/11 common maritime admiralty law monsanto seeds farms fda fbi cia homeland security crops cops 2011 fda health rock sovereignty universe planet star illusion paradigm cars homes religion budda martial arts national obama budget profit deficit bankruptcy court police bob chapman project camelot avalon graham hancock peter shiff gerald celente sovereignty charlie sheen earthquake tsunami nuclear japan radiation shutdown evacuation meltdown precession of the equinox universe planet x space earth mars venus nibiru comet wormwood leonid elenin brown dwarf star nemesis binary solar system galaxy eris volcano tail coma sumerian hopi indians prophecy pole shift magnetic field solar flares sun revelation apocalypse rapture bible code christian blue red kachina tail coma tyche sumerian pakistan fukushima default debt stock market crash peter schiff max keiser rt oath keepers tsarion Occupy Wall Street End the Fed alan watts truth movement we are the 99% we are change ows fast and furious cia fbi nato anonymous marine soldier vs nypd cops sergeant thomas occupy marines a new alliance Tear Gas OWS occupy together zuccotti park TSA
occupy wall street coast to am gas oil price war we are the 99% change conspiracy dollar terrorism radiation protest 911 truth terror food crisis china gold silver revolution inflation ron paul riots jobs tyranny libya economy david icke 2012 depression syria obama alex jones recession jesus ufo's oath keepers middle east tea party debt earthquake nuclear end fed stock market crash iran saudi arabia bible libertarian al qaeda default gop fiat euro rt flood anonymous ows tsa
Whose Street? Our Street! Down With? Wall Street
New Haven area unions, Occupy New Haven and Anti-Violence community activists join togehter is an evening march through the rain. One to two thousands estimated in the crowd. 12/6/2011 New Haven, CT
News & Politics
Occupy New Haven union AFL-CIO AFSCME jobs Wall Street
Silver Update 12/05/11 - Clarifications
Silver Update 12/05/11 - Clarifications
Software Provided By
Clive Maund Silver Market Update
Silver Jason Hommel BIS JP Morgan Conspiracy zerohedge Max Keiser Short Squeeze goldman sachs inflation hyperinflation harvey organ pensions default gata bill murphy gold end the fed ron paul bullion alex jones wikileaks rockefeller Rothschild qe manipulation roota bix weir bernanke bob chapman jim willie patriot forex rumor godlike wallstreet bubble apmex tulving ted butler cftc sec hedge funds position limits bart chilton gary gensler ows
Monday, December 5, 2011
Obama and Ben Commercial: Part 2 "The Wizards of Oz" by Swiss America
Swiss America asks the question, "What is really inside Fort Knox?" in this second commercial of a series yet to come. Visit or call 1-800-BUY-COIN for more information.
The second in a series of commercials released by Swiss America Trading Corporation features humorous animated adventures of President Barack Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
This provocative, hilarious animated commercial explains how Americans can protect their savings with gold, and raises the question whether America's gold stockpile is still in Fort Knox, Kentucky, or has been stolen.
For the past two generations Americans have sought to verify whether Federal Reserve and Federal Government records of U.S. gold holdings at Fort Knox are accurate and trustworthy.
Swiss America offers free educational resources to help explain how Americans can protect and grow wealth amid rising political and economic uncertainty.
Visit or call 1-800-BUY-COIN for more information.
Obama and Ben Commercial: Part 1 "The Inflatocracy" by Swiss America
Swiss America explains how America became an "Inflatocracy" in this first commercial of a series yet to come. Visit or call 1-800-BUY-COIN for more information.
The first in a series of commercials released by Swiss America Trading Corporation features humorous animated adventures of President Barack Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
Ben and Obama unload their '2012 Stimulus Plan': tossing $100 bills from a hot air balloon over Central Park in New York City.
Swiss America offers free educational resources to help explain how Americans can protect and grow wealth amid rising political and economic uncertainty.
Visit or call 1-800-BUY-COIN for more information.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Silver Update 12/02/11 Top 5
Silver Update 12/02/11 Top 5
Software Provided By
Gainesville Coins http://