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Normalcy bias
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental
state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to
underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and
its possible effects. This often results in situations where
people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a
larger scale, the failure of the government to include the
populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is
made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster
never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in
the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs.
People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to
something they have not experienced before. People also tend
to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible,
seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
. . . .
leave now, if you are enjoying the nice little dream... it will end soon anyway, turn on the TV, Plug in the remote control, Vote ... For... The Best Candidate in...american idol... ... ...and exit this page....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To be Promethean is a life long process
Define truth Create yourself
and never die..
and you'll always be in my heart little one.
This Life; This Is Your Life,
.... And The Hour is Late

(Advanced Graphical Representation of 99.9 of The Masses Level of Interest When I Tell Them That if They Buy Silver, Food, and Other Supplies VERY SOON, They Just Maybe Will Survive The Inevitable Collapse of The Dollar, Riots, Massive Food Shortages, and Countless Unforeseeable Mass Tragedies That They Have Been Too Busy Watching American Idol With a Gas Pump Lodged Up Their Ass To Save This Country's Freedom; Freedom People Once Fought and Died To Protect. PS Don't Tell Me I Didn't Warn You. If You Ask For Food I'll Give You a Bullet in Your Head... SPEAK OUT SPREAD THE WORD and if this page has benefited you, Please Donate. Lastly remember... prepare now ---> stand a fighting chance to survive ---> 2-4 years things will get better...i promise

FireLion LoneWolf

- IAmPhoenix
- albany/queens, NEW YORK, United States
- {Picture taken on bus, of a crow rescued and released 6 days after} ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ bare skinless paws they traveled far dreaming of a pleasant closure willing ready to die rocks liquifying blowing away dry ash shattered claw and fang marks eroding on his own Sisyphus boulder would be the only remainder of a life spent dying to live the universe is wise its students will only see flaming hot paw prints as Phoenix rose forever thankful his soul penetrating glance his wisdom cross referencing foresight this ones life death not guaranteed and a Herculean purpose as Phoenix traveled up passing Hells' exit entering Hells' entrance This Hell Too Belongs To Him He Brings With Him Influence and Metamorphosis
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We All Are One
The People United, Will Never Be Defeated
Thank You For The Trading 'Level Up' TSI Trader,

Silver For The People - The Blog
Saturday, October 22, 2011
#OpSupportGreece - Anonymous
Dear Citizens of the world.
Greece as we knew it does not exist any more.
Our governors draw a line in what they call democracy between citizens and rulers.
Citizens of Greece are experiencing the catalysis of their institutions and constitution.
The foundations of democracy and freedom, which the past generations fought for, are being destroyed in a constant and steady way every single day.
The fake economic crisis shatters families, sends people to unemployment and starvation. People who can not afford anymore to pay bills and taxes are growing in numbers every day.
Taxes, which were intentionally connected to the economic fraud by the corrupted politicians and the bankers, are being voted in the parliament as we speak and there are more to come.
The control of our national sovereignty has been fully given to IMF and the economic terrorists, who's their will is to rob Greece and its property, same thing they did on Ireland and Argentina.
We are protesting against their actions, demanding the obvious.
Recently we had a peaceful protest at "Syntagma" square; thousands of people demanding the government to recede. The answer was extreme police brutality. Blind hits on old persons, women and children for no reason.
Since then, police uses extreme violence in any kind of protest.
New anti-constitutional taxes will come, harder and cruel than ever, even more people will reach the limit of poverty.
Now they have injected taxes in our electricity bills; most of us do not have the money to pay those huge amounts especially after latest salaries reduction. Government threatens to shut electricity off to anyone not paying the new "injected tax" bill.
No electricity means no internet.
We are facing the case to lose communication with the rest of the world and be unable henceforth to share what we are facing everyday.
We call for supporting us to our fight.
This giant must fall; more countries are to follow this Greece's economic experiment.
Citizens are waking up, preparing mass protests on the 27th of September, 6th and 19th of October at "Syntagma" square.
More dates are to come.
Spread the message and support us.
Support freedom and democracy.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect us.
Fire At Will!
Greece as we knew it does not exist any more.
Our governors draw a line in what they call democracy between citizens and rulers.
Citizens of Greece are experiencing the catalysis of their institutions and constitution.
The foundations of democracy and freedom, which the past generations fought for, are being destroyed in a constant and steady way every single day.
The fake economic crisis shatters families, sends people to unemployment and starvation. People who can not afford anymore to pay bills and taxes are growing in numbers every day.
Taxes, which were intentionally connected to the economic fraud by the corrupted politicians and the bankers, are being voted in the parliament as we speak and there are more to come.
The control of our national sovereignty has been fully given to IMF and the economic terrorists, who's their will is to rob Greece and its property, same thing they did on Ireland and Argentina.
We are protesting against their actions, demanding the obvious.
Recently we had a peaceful protest at "Syntagma" square; thousands of people demanding the government to recede. The answer was extreme police brutality. Blind hits on old persons, women and children for no reason.
Since then, police uses extreme violence in any kind of protest.
New anti-constitutional taxes will come, harder and cruel than ever, even more people will reach the limit of poverty.
Now they have injected taxes in our electricity bills; most of us do not have the money to pay those huge amounts especially after latest salaries reduction. Government threatens to shut electricity off to anyone not paying the new "injected tax" bill.
No electricity means no internet.
We are facing the case to lose communication with the rest of the world and be unable henceforth to share what we are facing everyday.
We call for supporting us to our fight.
This giant must fall; more countries are to follow this Greece's economic experiment.
Citizens are waking up, preparing mass protests on the 27th of September, 6th and 19th of October at "Syntagma" square.
More dates are to come.
Spread the message and support us.
Support freedom and democracy.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect us.
Fire At Will!
TheAnonMessage BANNED VIDEOS: Youtube Bans!
TheAnonMessage BANNED VIDEOS: Youtube Bans!: Hello. I go by the name of AnonMessenger. I am responsible for the channel, TheAnonMessage, on YouTube. I decided to make this blog as a substitution to any videos that get rejected by YouTube.
This video's purpose was to expose Anthony Bologna, who was responsible for macing peaceful protesters in New York. It was banned on Youtube for quote, "PROMOTING HATE SPEECH,". Spread this video and its message. LET US combat censorship.
Peter Schiff Pwned By Occupiers In Street Debate
The idiot probably went there to play the peasant card to try and scam more people, but unfortunately his big mouth got the better of him and he starts debating occupiers on the street - tries to preach his idiotic Koch demagoguery - and promptly gets his derriere pwned by a few knowledgeable occupiers.
Koch Demagogue Peter Schiff Sings Tax Cuts For The Rich Loony Tunes With...
Worst distortion of facts ever seen in an "interview". His lying rhetoric stinks fouler than the pollutants his masters, the Koch Brothers, are putting into the environment.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Adolf Hitler - What You Didn't Know About Him
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear attacks near the end of World War II against the Empire of Japan by the United States at the executive order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman on August 6 and August 9, 1945, respectively. After six months of intense fire-bombing of 67 other Japanese cities, followed by an ultimatum which was ignored by the Shōwa regime, the nuclear weapon "Little Boy" was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on Monday, August 6, 1945, followed on August 9 by the detonation of the "Fat Man" nuclear bomb over Nagasaki. These are to date the only attacks with nuclear weapons in the history of warfare The bombs killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945, roughly half on the days of the bombings. Amongst these, 1520% died from injuries or the combined effects of flash burns, trauma, and radiation burns, compounded by illness, malnutrition and radiation sickness Since then, more have died from leukemia (231 observed) and solid cancers (334 observed) attributed to exposure to radiation released by the bombs. In both cities, the majority of the dead were civilians. Six days after the detonation over Nagasaki, on August 15, Japan announced its surrender to the Allied Powers, signing the Instrument of Surrender on September 2, officially ending the Pacific War and therefore World War II. (Germany had signed its unavoidable[2] Instrument of Surrender on May 7, ending the war in Europe.) The bombings led, in part, to post-war Japan adopting Three Non-Nuclear Principles, forbidding that nation from nuclear armament.
5 biggest nukes
1st to last largest 1. Czar Bomba 2. Castle Bravo 3. Ivy Mike 4.Test no6 5.Canopus 6.Grapple X 7.RDS-37 8.JOE 4 9.Gerboise 10.Pokhran-II 11.Chagai-I 12.Hurricane 13.596 14.RDS-1 15.Fat Man 16.Trinity 17.Little Boy 18.Smiling Buddha 19.NK Test no2 20.NK Test no1
MKULTRA Documentary: CIA Mind Control Research - Human Experiments in th...
There have been numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States that have been considered unethical, and were often performed illegally, without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects.
Many types of experiments have been performed including the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation/torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children and mentally disabled individuals. In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor racial minorities or prisoners. Often, subjects were sick or disabled people, whose doctors told them that they were receiving "medical treatment", but instead were used as the subjects of harmful and deadly experiments.
Many of these experiments were funded by the United States government, especially the Central Intelligence Agency, United States military and federal or military corporations. The human research programs were usually highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed.
The ethical, professional, and legal implications of this in the United States medical and scientific community were quite significant, and led to many institutions and policies that attempted to ensure that future human subject research in the United States would be ethical and legal. Public outcry over the discovery of government experiments on human subjects led to numerous congressional investigations and hearings, including the Church Committee, Rockefeller Commission, and Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, amongst others.
In 1953, the CIA placed several of its interrogation and mind-control programs under the direction of a single program, known by the code name MKULTRA, after CIA director Allen Dulles complained about not having enough "human guinea pigs to try these extraordinary techniques." The MKULTRA project was under the direct command of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb of the Technical Services Division. The project received over $25 million, and involved hundreds of experiments on human subjects at eighty different institutions.
The project's intentionally oblique CIA cryptonym is made up of the digraph MK, meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency's Technical Services Division, followed by the word ULTRA (which had previously been used to designate the most secret classification of World War II intelligence). Other related cryptonyms include MKNAOMI and MKDELTA.
A precursor of the MKULTRA program began in 1945 when the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip. Operation Paperclip was a program to recruit former Nazi scientists. Some of these scientists studied torture and brainwashing, and several had just been identified and prosecuted as war criminals during the Nuremberg Trials.
Several secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation Paperclip. These projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and Project BLUEBIRD (established 1950), which was renamed Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control, interrogation, behavior modification and related topics.
Headed by Sidney Gottlieb, the MKULTRA project was started on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953, largely in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind-control techniques on U.S. prisoners of war in Korea. The CIA wanted to use similar methods on their own captives. The CIA was also interested in being able to manipulate foreign leaders with such techniques, and would later invent several schemes to drug Fidel Castro.
Experiments were often conducted without the subjects' knowledge or consent. In some cases, academic researchers being funded through grants from CIA front organizations were unaware that their work was being used for these purposes.
In 1964, the project was renamed MKSEARCH. The project attempted to produce a perfect truth drug for use in interrogating suspected Soviet spies during the Cold War, and generally to explore any other possibilities of mind control.
Another MKULTRA effort, Subproject 54, was the Navy's top secret "Perfect Concussion" program, which was supposed to use sub-aural frequency blasts to erase memory, however the program was never carried out.
Many types of experiments have been performed including the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation/torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children and mentally disabled individuals. In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor racial minorities or prisoners. Often, subjects were sick or disabled people, whose doctors told them that they were receiving "medical treatment", but instead were used as the subjects of harmful and deadly experiments.
Many of these experiments were funded by the United States government, especially the Central Intelligence Agency, United States military and federal or military corporations. The human research programs were usually highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed.
The ethical, professional, and legal implications of this in the United States medical and scientific community were quite significant, and led to many institutions and policies that attempted to ensure that future human subject research in the United States would be ethical and legal. Public outcry over the discovery of government experiments on human subjects led to numerous congressional investigations and hearings, including the Church Committee, Rockefeller Commission, and Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, amongst others.
In 1953, the CIA placed several of its interrogation and mind-control programs under the direction of a single program, known by the code name MKULTRA, after CIA director Allen Dulles complained about not having enough "human guinea pigs to try these extraordinary techniques." The MKULTRA project was under the direct command of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb of the Technical Services Division. The project received over $25 million, and involved hundreds of experiments on human subjects at eighty different institutions.
The project's intentionally oblique CIA cryptonym is made up of the digraph MK, meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency's Technical Services Division, followed by the word ULTRA (which had previously been used to designate the most secret classification of World War II intelligence). Other related cryptonyms include MKNAOMI and MKDELTA.
A precursor of the MKULTRA program began in 1945 when the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip. Operation Paperclip was a program to recruit former Nazi scientists. Some of these scientists studied torture and brainwashing, and several had just been identified and prosecuted as war criminals during the Nuremberg Trials.
Several secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation Paperclip. These projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and Project BLUEBIRD (established 1950), which was renamed Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control, interrogation, behavior modification and related topics.
Headed by Sidney Gottlieb, the MKULTRA project was started on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953, largely in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind-control techniques on U.S. prisoners of war in Korea. The CIA wanted to use similar methods on their own captives. The CIA was also interested in being able to manipulate foreign leaders with such techniques, and would later invent several schemes to drug Fidel Castro.
Experiments were often conducted without the subjects' knowledge or consent. In some cases, academic researchers being funded through grants from CIA front organizations were unaware that their work was being used for these purposes.
In 1964, the project was renamed MKSEARCH. The project attempted to produce a perfect truth drug for use in interrogating suspected Soviet spies during the Cold War, and generally to explore any other possibilities of mind control.
Another MKULTRA effort, Subproject 54, was the Navy's top secret "Perfect Concussion" program, which was supposed to use sub-aural frequency blasts to erase memory, however the program was never carried out.
Charlie Sheen Interview On The Alex Jones Show 2/24/11 - Talks addiction...
Actor and television star Charlie Sheen will on The Alex Jones Show today for an exclusive live interview in which Sheen will set the record straight on the myriad of exaggerations, misinformation and outright falsehoods about his life that have been whipped up by the establishment media in recent weeks.
Truth in 111 seconds... Can you handle it?
Song: Dave Martone "Techno Bees" (flight of the bumblebee on electric guitar) from the album "When the Aliens Come"
This video starts off kind slow but watch out because it picks up suddenly really fast and then it just takes off!
If you do not already own this Album I highly reccomend buying it and supporting this amazing artist! All Dave Martone albums can be got through...
and the new one through
Truth JFK alien UFO 9/11 BCCI CIA drug dealing bush evil iran contra MJ12
This video starts off kind slow but watch out because it picks up suddenly really fast and then it just takes off!
If you do not already own this Album I highly reccomend buying it and supporting this amazing artist! All Dave Martone albums can be got through...
and the new one through
Truth JFK alien UFO 9/11 BCCI CIA drug dealing bush evil iran contra MJ12
Tesla's Little Secret
A video based around Nicola Tesla's Tuned Coil. While pondering the basic circuit diagram I thought maybe the electronics were being used backwards ...if we reverse the circuit we could capture radiant energy from the atmosphere and use it as a source of power. Perhaps this is what Tesla intended in the first place?
Tesla produced a paper talking about his vision for the future including a gravity shield, anti-gravity flying machines, The Magnifying Transmitter and other inventive technology. While Tesla had some scientific genius is without doubt although reading his paper I find some of his deeper beliefs about life, society, goverments and human sentience perhaps bringing about some of the very things he was trying to prevent?
"Nikola Tesla is the true unsung prophet of the electronic age; without whom our radio, auto ignition, telephone, alternating current power generation and transmission, radio and television would all have been impossible. Yet his life and times have vanished largely from public access. This autobiography is released to remedy this situation."
Read the paper for yourself and see what you think...
Tesla produced a paper talking about his vision for the future including a gravity shield, anti-gravity flying machines, The Magnifying Transmitter and other inventive technology. While Tesla had some scientific genius is without doubt although reading his paper I find some of his deeper beliefs about life, society, goverments and human sentience perhaps bringing about some of the very things he was trying to prevent?
"Nikola Tesla is the true unsung prophet of the electronic age; without whom our radio, auto ignition, telephone, alternating current power generation and transmission, radio and television would all have been impossible. Yet his life and times have vanished largely from public access. This autobiography is released to remedy this situation."
Read the paper for yourself and see what you think...
How to Escape from Handcuffs
how a magician might escape from a pair of professional handcuffs. For entertainment purposes only.
Laser Videos:
Easy Projects:
Pranks & Jokes:
Hacks & Mods:
Spy Gadgets & Devices:
Explosions & Loud Things:
Laser Videos:
Easy Projects:
Pranks & Jokes:
Hacks & Mods:
Spy Gadgets & Devices:
Explosions & Loud Things:
Do It Yourself Magnetic Levitation! (updated)
This is a frictionless bearing made out of common items and low cost magnets.
Quantum Levitation
Video courtesy of the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), representing the science center and museum field worldwide. To learn more, visit Follow us on Twitter: @ScienceCenters.
Tel-Aviv University demos quantum superconductors locked in a magnetic field (
With the theme "Knowledge that Works: From Theory to Practice," the 2011 ASTC Annual Conference featured more than 100 sessions, which highlighted how science centers and museums are putting new ideas to practical use to serve their communities. The conference was hosted by the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore, October 15-18.
Tel-Aviv University demos quantum superconductors locked in a magnetic field (
With the theme "Knowledge that Works: From Theory to Practice," the 2011 ASTC Annual Conference featured more than 100 sessions, which highlighted how science centers and museums are putting new ideas to practical use to serve their communities. The conference was hosted by the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore, October 15-18.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Rich Pickings: OWS arrests throw oil on protest fire
In the US, where more people have been arrested following the latest wave of public protests against excessive corporate influence in the country. Mass demonstrations have spread to dozens of cities - a month after the so-called "Occupy Wall Street" movement first flared up in the Big Apple. RT's Marina Portnaya looks at how the protests continue to grow despite reported police brutality and hundreds of arrests.
Occupy World St.: From NYC to Everywhere
All over the globe people are rising up and demanding their rights in a worldwide rally of discontent as protests inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement spread around the world on Saturday 17
Sunday, October 16, 2011
FDA Trying to Destroy Vitamin Industry: Dr. David Brownstein Reports
The latest round in conventional medicine's ongoing attempts to discredit (and ultimately outlaw) nutritional supplements is found in a highly questionable study published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which claims that vitamins actually increase the risk of death.
The study claims to have analyzed a collection of previous studies on Vitamin A, beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and selenium, concluding that most of the nutrients are actually dangerous to human health. Of course, this is research from conventional medicine -- an industry that promotes patented chemicals as perfectly safe, even though FDA-approved pharmaceuticals are killing 100,000 Americans each year. (Imagine the uproar if vitamins killed even a fraction of that number...)
To avoid getting hoodwinked by questionable research on "vitamins," you have to strongly consider the financial interests of the source of this research. JAMA accepts millions of dollars in advertising from drug companies each year, and its pages are absolutely packed with drug ads. The American Medical Association, for its part, has long worked to discredit alternative medicine and has even been found guilty by U.S. federal courts of engaging in a conspiracy to destroy chiropractic medicine. The AMA, which is largely considered a joke by anyone familiar with natural health, is hardly a credible source for publishing scientific findings on nutrition. To protect the multi-billion dollar drug industry, the AMA would say practically anything, I believe.
The study claims to have analyzed a collection of previous studies on Vitamin A, beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and selenium, concluding that most of the nutrients are actually dangerous to human health. Of course, this is research from conventional medicine -- an industry that promotes patented chemicals as perfectly safe, even though FDA-approved pharmaceuticals are killing 100,000 Americans each year. (Imagine the uproar if vitamins killed even a fraction of that number...)
To avoid getting hoodwinked by questionable research on "vitamins," you have to strongly consider the financial interests of the source of this research. JAMA accepts millions of dollars in advertising from drug companies each year, and its pages are absolutely packed with drug ads. The American Medical Association, for its part, has long worked to discredit alternative medicine and has even been found guilty by U.S. federal courts of engaging in a conspiracy to destroy chiropractic medicine. The AMA, which is largely considered a joke by anyone familiar with natural health, is hardly a credible source for publishing scientific findings on nutrition. To protect the multi-billion dollar drug industry, the AMA would say practically anything, I believe.
Federal Reserve Tells YouTube to Take Down Critical Video!!
We have received a privacy claim by agents of the FED. They are threatening to remove the video and take down the channel within 36 hours if we don't bow down to their demands. Alex is preparing a video response later and will talk about this more on the (Monday Edition) of the Alex Jones Show. Alex is also looking at taking legal action against the Privately owned Federal Reserve for violating his crews first amendment rights when they were shooting film at a world war one memorial back in April 2009.
Occupy wall street -citibank
This is a Video of inside Citibank.
all the people seen protesting in this video were trapped inside and then arrested.
all the people seen protesting in this video were trapped inside and then arrested.
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