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To be Promethean is a life long process
Define truth Create yourself
and never die..
and you'll always be in my heart little one.
This Life; This Is Your Life,
.... And The Hour is Late

(Advanced Graphical Representation of 99.9 of The Masses Level of Interest When I Tell Them That if They Buy Silver, Food, and Other Supplies VERY SOON, They Just Maybe Will Survive The Inevitable Collapse of The Dollar, Riots, Massive Food Shortages, and Countless Unforeseeable Mass Tragedies That They Have Been Too Busy Watching American Idol With a Gas Pump Lodged Up Their Ass To Save This Country's Freedom; Freedom People Once Fought and Died To Protect. PS Don't Tell Me I Didn't Warn You. If You Ask For Food I'll Give You a Bullet in Your Head... SPEAK OUT SPREAD THE WORD and if this page has benefited you, Please Donate. Lastly remember... prepare now ---> stand a fighting chance to survive ---> 2-4 years things will get better...i promise

FireLion LoneWolf

- IAmPhoenix
- albany/queens, NEW YORK, United States
- {Picture taken on bus, of a crow rescued and released 6 days after} ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ bare skinless paws they traveled far dreaming of a pleasant closure willing ready to die rocks liquifying blowing away dry ash shattered claw and fang marks eroding on his own Sisyphus boulder would be the only remainder of a life spent dying to live the universe is wise its students will only see flaming hot paw prints as Phoenix rose forever thankful his soul penetrating glance his wisdom cross referencing foresight this ones life death not guaranteed and a Herculean purpose as Phoenix traveled up passing Hells' exit entering Hells' entrance This Hell Too Belongs To Him He Brings With Him Influence and Metamorphosis
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Silver For The People - The Blog
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
2011 Year of the Bankers, currency collapse & social unrest
Uploaded by connectingdots1 on Nov 5, 2011
created by connectingdots1 with clips from NoLongeraTheory
and also from as well my own footage.
Keiser Report: Big Bad Banks (E213)
Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines. This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the Koch Brothers and MF Global and Northern Rock and Richard Branson's blonde hair and big, shiny teeth. In the second half of the show, Max talks to independent radio journalist Richard Thomas about Occupy LSX, poll tax riots and financial apartheid.
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News & Politics
RT Keiser Report Max Keiser Stacy Herbert Richard Thomas analysis gold price silver price Euro dollar currency war crash crisis deficit debt Wall Street stock markets crash jp morgan buy silver bankrupt silver gold UK US banking bank of england David Cameron OWS tax economy Bank of New York MF Global Episode 213 E213
Fire & Tear Gas: Night video of Tahrir Square clashes in Cairo
Violence is continuing to escalate in Cairo where thousands of Egyptians occupying Tahrir Square have again clashed with security services firing tear gas. More mass rallies are planned for Tuesday. At least 33 people have been killed since Saturday when security forces first resorted to tear gas and rubber bullets. The unrest comes as the country gears up to elect a new parliament next week.
Russia Threatens To Target US Missiles!!
the U.S. missile shield in Europe if Washington fails to assuage
Moscow’s concerns about its plans, a harsh warning that reflected deep
cracks in U.S.-Russian ties despite President Barack Obama’s efforts to
“reset” relations with the Kremlin.President Dmitry Medvedev said
he still hopes for a deal with the U.S. on missile defense, but he
strongly accused Washington and its NATO allies of ignoring Russia’s
worries. He said Russia will have to take military countermeasures if
the U.S. continues to build the shield without legal guarantees that it
will not be aimed against Russia.
The United Staets has repeatedly assured Russia
that its proposed missile defense system wouldn’t be directed against
Russia’s nuclear forces, and it did that again Wednesday.
“It’s worth reiterating that the European missile defense system that
we’ve been working very hard on with our allies and with Russia over
the last few years is not aimed at Russia,” said Capt. John Kirby, a
Pentagon spokesman. “It is … designed to help deter and defeat the
ballistic missile threat to Europe and to our allies from Iran.”
White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said the United States will
continue to seek Moscow’s cooperation, but it must realize “that the
missile defense systems planned for deployment in Europe do not and
cannot threaten Russia’s strategic deterrent.”
But Medvedev said Moscow will not be satisfied by simple declarations
and wants a binding agreement. He said, “When we propose to put in on
paper in the form of precise and clear legal obligations, we hear a
strong refusal.”
Medvedev warned that Russia will station missiles in its westernmost
Kaliningrad region and other areas, if the U.S. continues its plans
without offering firm and specific pledges that the shield isn’t
directed at its nuclear forces. He didn’t say whether the missiles would
carry conventional or nuclear warheads.
In Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he was
“very disappointed” with Russia’s threat to deploy missiles near
alliance nations, adding that “would be reminiscent of the past and …
inconsistent with the strategic relations NATO and Russia have agreed
they seek.”
“Cooperation, not confrontation, is the way ahead,” Rasmussen said in a statement.
The U.S. missile defense dispute has long tarnished ties between
Moscow and Washington. The Obama administration has repeatedly said the
shield is needed to fend off a potential threat from Iran, but Russia
fears that it could erode the deterrent potential of its nuclear forces.
“If our partners tackle the issue of taking our legitimate security
interests into account in an honest and responsible way, I’m sure we
will be able to come to an agreement,” Medvedev said. “But if they
propose that we `cooperate,’ or, to say it honestly, work against our
own interests, we won’t be able to reach common ground.”
Moscow has agreed to consider a proposal NATO made last fall to
cooperate on the missile shield, but the talks have been deadlocked over
how the system should be operated. Russia has insisted that it should
be run jointly, which NATO has rejected.
Medvedev also warned that Moscow may opt out of the New START arms
control deal with the United States and halt other arms control talks,
if the U.S. proceeds with the missile shield without meeting Russia’s
demand. The Americans had hoped that the START treaty would stimulate
progress in further ambitious arms control efforts, but such talks have
stalled because of tension over the missile plan.
While the New START doesn’t prevent the U.S. from building new
missile defense systems, Russia has said it could withdraw from the
treaty if it feels threatened by such a system in future.
Medvedev reaffirmed that warning Wednesday, saying that Russia may
opt out of the treaty because of an “inalienable link between strategic
offensive and defensive weapons.
Read more:
Fierce Tahrir: Hundreds injured after tear gas outrage
Three more people have reportedly been killed in Cairo street battles. Clashes between protesters and police near Tahrir Square have flared up with renewed intensity as clouds of tear gas linger overhead.
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Activist Post - Newsletter 91: Wednesday edition 11-23-2011
Newsletter 91: Wednesday edition 11-23-2011 Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser |
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TOP ORIGINAL ARTICLES Holiday Expectations...and Reflections Activist Post10 Things You May Notice About America When Traveling Abroad People view their world through different lenses, and different levels of patriotism. But, by being as objective as possible, you may be surprised how many preconceived notions of America are shattered when you are exposed to different perspectives. (read more) John Galt A Story of Thanksgiving ... and History Repeating?Attention Black Friday Shoppers: You Will Be Tracked The busiest shopping day of the year is set for a new level of consumer exploitation at two American malls -- your cell phone is tracking you. (read more) Gaye Levy As we approach this fourth Thursday of November, as families join together for a feast and a day of abundance, I would like to briefly step through history and suggest that the Americans of today are precariously poised for defeat in the same manner as our Native Americans so many years ago. (read more) J.G. Vibes A Counter-Culture Thanksgiving That time of year is upon us again, and we don't have to go along with false historical narratives that have infected our most cherished celebrations. (read more) Other Key Articles to Read and Distribute Global Politics, War, Propaganda Violence continues in Syria as Condoleezza Rice promotes unilateral U.S. action Madison Ruppert BBC Behind Aung San Suu Kyi Propaganda Flick Tony Cartalucci Domestic Politics, Economy, OWS, Police State NYC 'Lone Wolf' is Just Another Patsy Entrapped by a Paid Informant Eric Blair No Privacy on DC Roads, Cameras "Pinpoint People's Movements All Over Town" Activist Post The Crisis of Reality Charlie McGrath How Protesters Become Terrorists R.F. Goggin DHS Patents Paranoia in Partnership with Major League Soccer Owen Myles Militarization of police with “virtually unstoppable” APC at Occupy Tampa Supreme Court may allow government to track phones without a warrant Foreign policy debate: Ron Paul is only candidate who values the ConstitutionUC Davis’ chancellor Katehi claims police defied orders by using pepper spray Madison Ruppert Will the Looming American Police State Unify the Resistance? J.G. Vibes Health, Survival, Environment TSA Claims X-ray Scanners are Safe as Europe Bans Them Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results Experts Admit Fukushima is Causing Hidden Cancer Deaths Foster Children Given Harmful Antipsychotics and Tranquilizers DHS Issues Turkey Frying Warning While Frying You with X-Ray Scanners BPA Blood Levels Spike by 1,200 Percent After Eating Canned Foods Anthony Gucciardi 95% of Soy Products May be Damaging Your Health Andre Evans Merck Pays $950 Million in Criminal Fines and for Falsely Marketing Vioxx Mike Barrett Big Six Pesticide Manufacturers to Face Human Rights Tribunal Brandon Turbeville If Chemtrails And HAARP Didn’t Disturb You . . . Here's Morgellons Amir Alwani New Wise Food Storage Available Traditional Axe Making and Wooden Lodge Construction Debunking The Alternative Choice The Berkey Guy Please visit the Activist Post Archive to read more than 1,700 other original articles MUST-SEE NEW VIDEOS Celente, Corzine, and the Great U.S. Bank Holiday Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take? (Full Documentary) Occupy Building 7 - 9/11 was a 1%er job Bush Drug Czar Gets Destroyed in Legalization Debate Israel, the IAEA, and the Road to War With Iran A Message to All Police Officers From Occupy Wall Street Background Radiation in California Over 300% Higher than Normal Legalized Corruption of Government Exposed Ron Paul Destroys Establishment GOP War Mongers European Economic Woes Could be Dire for U.S. -- IMF Officers Put on Leave After UC Davis Protest Assault The "Trickle-Down" Tyranny Expands Pregnant Seattle Protester Miscarries After Being Brutalized by Police Was a U.S.-Backed Military Junta in Egypt Always the Plan? Syria: Another No-Fly Zone to be Imposed? *Highly Recommended AFFILIATE -- Vaccine Education GOOD NEWS! ACTION ITEM Time for gratitude. The real importance of Thanksgiving lies in setting aside one day to spend time with loved ones and give an extra measure of thanks in whatever way you choose. We at Activist Post are thankful every day for spending time in the company of our readers, but we are extremely grateful for a second holiday season which has seen that readership grow. We are truly grateful for your support and enthusiasm. We wish everyone a very happy, safe, and healthy holiday. Enjoy! OUR MISSION AND HOW YOU CAN BECOME ACTIVE We want to help contribute to the mass awakening that is taking place. The mainstream media is part of a system that aims to keep people ignorant and unquestioning. It is essential that information continues to flow from the alternative media, so that opposing viewpoints can be heard. The global movement toward Internet censorship is troubling. We are optimistic, though, because history shows that all attempts to oppress free humanity are doomed to failure. However, we can no longer remain passive; the period of cold, creeping tyranny that legislates its way into power is over. When oppression reaches this "hot" stage, we need activists. The next period will be defined by how well we are able to overcome our conditioning and resist what we know in our hearts is the wrong course. You can become active through education, spreading the word, but, most importantly, practice what you preach. Tyranny is no match for freedom. Liberty, Love, and Peace will Prevail! |
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Joe Rogan on Occupy Wallstreet
Joe Rogan shares his thoughts about the Occupy Wallstreet protests on his podcast: The Joe Rogan Experience.
Podcast Episodes sampled:
141: Joe Rogan & Duncan Trussel
147: Joe Rogan, Redban & Duncan Trussel
148: Joe Rogan, Redban & Kevin Pereira
Download the Pocast For Free on Itunes:
Song used: 2nd Class Citizen - A World Without
All protest footage is from the New York Occupy Wall Street protests, much of it from the shortmovie "Consensus" by Youtube user:
Podcast Poster at the end made by Formal Sweatpants:!/Pants
Version without music:
Video made by: @Warwithmyself in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street
Thank you for watching!
Nonprofits & Activism
OWS OccupyWallstreet Occupy Wall Street protest Joe Rogan internet community wisdon podcast The Joe Rogan Experience Kevin Pereira 2nd Class Citizen revolution Duncan Trussel Rise protests talk
Ron Paul Revolution ∞ An Idea Who's Time has Come, Occupy Truth not nations
We need Ron Paul Delegates Ron Paul Freedom to Fascism .Know who runs the World the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created & it's Counterfeiting Notes "the Dollar" is illegal & Unconstitutional. Only Gold & Silver can be money & paper money MUST be back by Gold or Silver like it used it be before 1913 when they took control of this country and took us off the gold & silver standard & devalued the dollar by 98% by printing money & creating INFLATION. They get your income tax money & it's says on the application (means to beg) Voluntary Compliance. People get in trouble when they lie about the info. I am part of the 99% & have 1 Demand END THE FED & I have a leader who is running for president Ron Paul. Occupy Global Livestream Real News Occupy & End the Fed Zero interest rate for the people not the banks. The people's own gold & silver non profit money & bank system. Join Ron Paul & the INFO WAR alex Jones & Occupy the World before you are starving to death or martial law is declared. The bad guys will run the world until a majority wake up & make personal sacrifices. Check out the World Freeman Society Become a Freeman on the Land & know the Deceptions of the Law. Statues & Acts are not law & need your consent (like stating your name or showing ID) Don't enter the Law Society. Yes you may get arrested by not showing your ID or stating your name but it's not illegal & if you know the law the judge will set you free & not fine you because it's not obstruction. Investigate robert menard johnny liberty mary croft john harris haley bazley robert christy froid psychology huxley philosophy think free birth certificate citizen claim of right constitution tax application legalese sovereign illegal lawful strawman statues acts blacks law dictionary tpuc lawyer society unalienable rights commerce maritime admiralty common ucc uniform commercial code contract consent civil corruption central bank property employee franchisee karma reincarnation enlightenment united states passport legal fiction register court judge property imf wto foreclosure social security medicaid medicare debt consent blacks law society sovereignty osama bin laden death al qaeda terrorist haarp chemtrails fema coast to coast am gas oil price middle east 2012 conspiracy terror food crisis gold silver revolution inflation ron paul obama zeitgeist disaster riots protests jobs alex jones retaliation prison planet info wars nature corporation wikileaks climate change police state meditation constitutional jesus christ ufo's aliens tea party rand paul jesse ventura david icke gerald celente max keiser mayan spirituality free tibet china tyranny terrorism consciousness world war 3 buddhism tao zen god truth justice knowledge wise slavery history freedom fluoride peace love history terrorism fluoridation science government occupation information deception paradigm matrix law america recession inflation economy stock market bush depression nwo space ipad mac mind control mars moon earth mother martix brain mind drugs pot psychedelic iphone hinduism meditation egypt libya jews israel mayan new york 911 lies conspiracy theory sovereign state imf wto rockefeller bilderberg act register world bank apply free federal reserve conspiracy theory slavery islamic yemen pakistan afghanistan syria saudi arabia persians sunni shiite yemen muslim brotherhood islam iran iraq israel ground zero pentagon 9/11 common maritime admiralty law monsanto seeds farms fda fbi cia homeland security crops cops 2011 fda health rock sovereignty universe planet star illusion paradigm cars homes religion budda martial arts national obama budget profit deficit bankruptcy court police bob chapman linsey williams project camelot avalon graham hancock peter shiff gerald celente sovereignty charlie sheen earthquake tsunami nuclear japan radiation shutdown evacuation meltdown precession of the equinox universe planet x space earth mars venus nibiru comet wormwood leonid elenin brown dwarf star nemesis binary solar system galaxy eris volcano 11/11/11 tail coma annunaki anunnaki sumerian hopi indians prophecy pole shift magnetic field solar flares sun revelation apocalypse rapture bible code christian blue red kachina tail coma tyche sumerian pakistan fukushima default debt stock market crash peter schiff max keiser rt oath keepers tsarion Occupy Wall Street End the Fed alan watts truth movement we are the 99% we are change ows fast and furious cia fbi nato anonymous marine soldier vs nypd cops sergeant thomas occupy marines a new alliance Tear Gas OWS occupy together zuccotti park TSA
occupy wall street coast to am gas oil price war we are the 99% change conspiracy dollar terrorism radiation protest 911 truth terror food crisis china gold silver revolution inflation ron paul riots jobs tyranny libya economy david icke 2012 depression syria obama alex jones recession jesus ufo's oath keepers middle east tea party debt earthquake nuclear end fed stock market crash iran saudi arabia bible libertarian al qaeda default gop fiat euro rt flood anonymous ows tsa Glenn
Thrive - Full Length movie show your support and help humanity rise. Please purchase the DVD and show to all your friends that do not have access to the net
FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
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THRIVE the Movie 11 The full length new world order federal reserve Conspiracy Theory (film)
TGT: The United Banana Republic of America
from The Golden Truth
The United Banana Republic of America
And the thievery gets more blatant and obvious. Just take for instance the plundering of MF Global. Right now there's at least $1.2 billion in missing customer funds. Where did this money go? A friend of mine who has been in the banking industry for 20 years can not believe that there are absolutely no electronic traces to that money. If the money had been transferred out of MF Global, it would have had to have been reported to FINRA and it would have had to travel at some point through the Federal Reserve bank wire system. So where is it? At first, $600 million of it was "found" at JP Morgan. But JP Morgan has denied that this was MF Global customer money. Why can't we see a history of money transfers between MF Global and JP Morgan? Did they vanish into thin air? There is a large-scale cover-up going on here and I have to believe that Jamie Dimon is laughing right now because JP Morgan appears to have gotten away with hijacking funds from MF Global. Where's Jon Corzine in all of this? And it just so happens that the former Soros trader who MF Global hired in early 2011 to expand its proprietary trading business has gone missing...Oh, and just to kick a little more sand in our faces, JP Morgan has emerged as the winning bidder of MF's stake in the London Metals Exchange. This was a highly coveted asset on MF's books and it gives JPM a powerful 10% ownership stake in the largest physical metals trading venue in the world. Usually when I smell the stench of dog shit, I watch where I'm stepping. This one doesn't exactly smell kosher, does it?
Speaking of watching where you are stepping, if you have your investment account and IRA at either Merrill Lynch or Jefferies, you might want to get it out of there. I've been warning about this for over week now and the smell of dog shit is getting stronger. This report about regulators warning B of A to get its act together hit the tape today: LINK It would appear that B of A is starting to have liquidity problems and it turns out that B of A has several billion in bonds that it has to pay off over the next few months. These bonds were issued under the 2008 bank bailout and are guaranteed by the Taxpayers via the FDIC. This is near-zero debt that will have to be refi'd using much more expensive debt issued (not sure who would buy it - maybe Buffet) or payed off using I don't know what capital. I believe that the noose of insolvency is closing around B of A's neck, and given the way that MF Global has been handled, I do not believe that investment accounts at Merrill Lynch are safe.
And now for Jefferies. JEF has issued several denials and rebuttals to various commentaries and analyses that suggest that Jefferies has financial problems. The best defense JEF has offered up is to present its revised GAAP financials, which don't show anything meaningful. So today, per zerohedge, the rating agency of Egan Jones - probably the most truthful credit rating organization - issued the latest warning on Jeffries: LINK
Interestingly, most critiques of Jefferies have focused on its sovereign bond holdings and derivatives exposure. But a quick glance at the latest 10-Q shows an even bigger problem: its holdings in residential and commercial mortgage paper. Of $18 billion in longer term financial instruments, $2.6 billion (14%) is in sovereign paper BUT $4.4 billion (24% is in mortgage paper). It is likely this is private label garbage that is maybe worth 30 cents on the dollar. Maybe. And it's almost all classified as "Level 2" assets, which means that they have some bullshit computer model that spits out a pricing value for these assets that Jeffries expects us to believe is realistic. It's not. Jefferies has $3 billion in book equity. If we were to apply a very conservative 50% write down of its reported sovereign and mortgage holdings, this would wipe JEF's net worth. And we're not addressing the reality that should be associated with its off-balance-sheet garbage, which is likely several multiples larger than its reported mortgage and sovereign debt issues.
But you know, all this wouldn't be as much of a problem for me if Jefferies wasn't run by a guy who used to work directly under Michael Milken at Drexel Burnham. In fact, Jefferies is to a large degree a reincarnation of the rats who got away without punishment from corrupted firms like Drexel. All I can do is present the facts as I am able to dig them up. I know that after watching with complete horror at how the MF Global situation is being covered up and is screwing over the customers - whose money should be under the highest standard of protection - I would not leave my money anywhere near B of A or Jeffries. For sure it's not safe to leave your fate in the hands of the Government regulators who are paid to protect you. The reason: they are getting paid even more by big banks to screw you.
Lie down with dogs, wake up fleas. And the stench of dog shit is getting a lot stronger out there...
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Silver Update 11/19/11 - Mind Control
Silver Update 11/19/11 - Mind Control
Software Provided By
What Should the Gold Price Be?!
Mind Control
Discouragement - Volatility, VAT
Diversion - ETFs, Futures, Allocated/Unallocated accounts
Duplicity - MF Global, Goldline
Delay - Bottlenecking
Doubt - Mocking, Shills, Trolls
Denial - Returns
Dumbing Down - Dollar
Rising silver & gold demand in China-On the Edge with Max Keeiser-11-18-...
Uploaded by PressTVGlobalNews on Nov 19, 2011
In this edition of the show Max interviews Dan Collins from
He talks about the big news coming from China in the past few weeks, which is that the investment demand for gold and silver is going up.
College Students Need To Look At These Charts Before Deciding On A Major Read more:
College freshmen are often encouraged to take strange electives, on the off chance they will discover an interest in Post-Colonial African Literature, Ancient Greek History or Modern Dance.
This seems like treacherous advice these days, when a college degree no longer guarantees a good job.
In fact tons of information is out there about majors, employment and earnings. We've pulled out findings from a report by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.
May we suggest you look into engineering.
Read more:
Ron Paul Highlights at the Thanksgiving Family Forum (Family Leader Debate)
Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy.
For more information visit the following websites:
News & Politics
ron paul family leader debate thanksgiving family forum iowa politics faith 2012
Standard YouTube License
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Keiser Report: Vampire Banker Hunter (E212)
It's The Federal Reserve Stupid! - Alex Jones & Paul Watson Report 1/3
The Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately "rich," ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to 'fight' the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.
With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to "occupy" branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.
Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.
Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don't wait for orders from headquarters-- go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.
[[ The Twelve Federal Reserve Districts ]]
**Note: There are several dozen more branch locations. Please check the Federal Reserve district near you
Join Alex at the Fed at these times/dates or find a Fed near you!
Dallas Federal Reserve
Friday Oct. 7 @ 6pm
2200 North Pearl Street
Dallas, TX 75201-2272
(214) 922-6000
Houston Branch of the Dallas Federal Reserve
Sat. Oct. 8 @ High Noon
1801 Allen Pkwy
Houston, TX 77019-2507
(713) 483-3000
San Antonio Branch of the Dallas Federal Reserve
Sunday Oct. 9 @ 10am -- Noon
126 E Nueva
San Antonio, TX 78204-1020
(210) 224-2141
- 346